Be-Lated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Hopscotch and Manna 2020

Merry Christmas

         It’s been a year! We have experienced a time that will not be lost in the history books, even though we may all wish to forget it. I wanted to wish you blessings this Christmas and in the New Year. I put off shopping for Christmas cards a bit too long. I love cards with old churches, steeples and glitter, but I couldn’t find a single box. I happened to look at this cheap little Christmas card priced $1 a box and set it back down because the words inside struck me as wrong. Then I picked it back up thinking it was a perfect opener for me to offer some encouragement to all of you.


            First, I must remind you that my Christian faith is the lens with which I view the world, so here we go. If I were to wish you a “Christmas filled will all the good things you deserve” it would be a very empty and hallow wish for sure. As sinners you (and I) deserve no good things. According to Romans 6:23, “For the wages of sin is death.” That is what we deserve for Christmas. That’s why I passed by this card at first. Instead, I decided to use it to encourage you. The next part of that same verse says, “But the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” For Christmas, God sent a gift we do not deserve. “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life,” (John 3:16). My Christmas wish for you is for all the things you don’t deserve, especially for an unshakable faith in the Lord.

            Equally important, I want to remind you that true faith is not just knowledge about the Savior. James 2:19 says, “You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that—and shudder.” In this verse James is reminding us that true faith in the Lord is about a change of mind and heart. It is not just about a knowledge of who he is because even the demons believe in Him. But obviously, they do not receive the gift of salvation that is provided in Christ Jesus. As truly faithful people we are asked to follow the Lord and obey his commands. Proverbs 3:5-6 tell us, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him , and he will make straight your paths.” In all ALL your ways acknowledge him.

            We live in a world that is topsy-turvy with political unrest and fighting, the unknown of a virus that is causing tremendous fear, and distrust in the media. These things are dividing families and friends. I want to encourage all of you to be the light in this dark world. “Let your light shine before men, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven,” (Matthew 5:19). I hope that all of you who are reading my letter know the Lord and are living your lives in a way that is pleasing to Him. Don’t keep your faith buried in your heart but share it with those around you. Faith is not something we keep to ourselves but it is meant to be shared with others. “Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on a stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house,” (Matthew 5:15). If you do not yet know the Lord, or need some help taking steps to grow in your faith please reach out to me because there is nothing I’d rather do than talk to a loved one about Jesus and God’s word (406-438-3343).

            My bearded brute and I are doing well. He has been working his fingers to the bone doing construction in Whitehall, Butte, and now Seeley Lake. I have been bouncing around making coffee and doing nails. That bearded brute puts up with me working on schoolwork with my nose in a book or on the computer.  I am looking forward to graduation this spring as I only have two classes left. I thank God for the opportunity to go to school (with the support of my man) and learn more about Him and lots of other things. Four years ago, I wasn’t sure if I’d make it through or if it was just going to be a semester but here I am. I am anxious to see how I will get to use all the wonderful things I have learned. Our children and grandchildren are busy as ever. We don’t get to see enough of some of them but are so proud of the hardworking people they are and our prayers are always with them. When it comes to telling you about us it seems so boring compared to quoting scripture. So, I want to leave you with one last thing.

            I want to encourage you to read the Bible. God has given us so much of himself in His word, its truly a shame that more people don’t read it regularly. In many homes it sits on a shelf as a relic, something that your grandmother handed down. Open it, read it, look at her highlights, look for the crumpled corners and meet the Holy Spirit on the pages as God shows you who He is and what He commands. The truth of God’s word is indescribably sublime. Once you know it and it becomes a part of who you are then you can make better sense of the world around you. “In the beginning was the Word (Jesus), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through Him all things were made; without Him nothing was made…In Him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it,” (John 1:1-5). We have no excuse.                                         ~All my Love and Prayers, Hopscotch Heidi~