Manna #24

When your cell is lonely

Photo from Unsplash by Diego San

                  Do you ever feel like you have been locked in a cell and see no escape on the horizon? You may be stuck in an emotional conundrum or depression. Possibly, you feel trapped in a situation or marriage that you can’t fix or control. You may be living in a body unwilling to get well or so damaged that normal life seems impossible. Being trapped can feel hopeless. Being abandoned and alone in whatever cell you find yourself in is also very lonely. Having no control over your life or circumstances is maddening. However, there is something special that can’t be taken from you, and when no one else can join you, there is one person that can.

                  Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were trapped in the fiery furnace, and even though they could not get out, Jesus could get in. They were not alone. Daniel was dropped into the lion’s den, and even though he could not escape, Jesus got in. Paul and Silas were in chains in prison with no means of escape, but Jesus was with them. John was imprisoned on Patmos Island, he had no way to escape, but Jesus came to him and gave him a Revelation. When you feel alone, your situation is too difficult, your health is too bad, and you feel trapped in a cell, you are not alone. Nothing, and I mean nothing, can stop Jesus from crossing whatever barrier you feel trapped in to be with you to encourage and teach you.

                  James 1:2 says to consider trials pure joy. Why? Because when you face trials, Jesus will meet you in them. Your trials are the very things that will bring you to perfection. So that you will be complete and lacking in nothing (James 1:4). As someone who has come out of many trials and plenty of suffering, hindsight gives me the advantage of understanding the refinement I underwent during those difficult times. God has equipped me with so much and for so many because of the cells I spent time in. I understand when you are suffering; looking forward is hard. Guess what? You don’t have to. You don’t have to know how long the suffering will last; you don’t even need to know what may be next. Instead, look up. Look for Jesus because He promises to be with you in your suffering. “The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit” (Psalm 34:18).

                  Brother, I know that your life feels like it is not your own. I know you feel terrible and don’t see an end to your suffering. I know you feel like you are trapped alone in that cell. And the enemy is trying to take everything from you because he has come to steal, kill, and destroy. However,  your enemies cannot take away your faith, joy, and peace because those belong to the Lord, and HE will march into your cell and never leave you. God’s Word will not return empty but will accomplish what it was sent out to do and prosper. Jesus is the Word. He is doing a good work in you, and as I see it, your cell might actually be your own private room with the Lord so that He can work out all things in your life for your good. And your good may be the necessary thing needed to bless someone else.

                  Suffering is hard. There is no denying it. But it doesn’t have to be hopeless, empty, or lonely. Lean into the Lord. Look up. Put your faith in Him and worship Him in your mind and spirit. No one can take that from you. As Good Friday approaches, remember Jesus's abuse on the cross. He is no stranger to suffering or feeling alone. But He endured all of it for you. Move close to the cross of Jesus, He died for you, and after three days in the grave, He rose again so that you can have an abundant life (even from a cell).

                  Hopscotch Heidi