Hopscotch #4

What’s in a Nickname?

Eēb, Putch, Rēēb, Mom, Eye-a, and Pop

Eēb, Putch, Rēēb, Mom, Eye-a, and Pop

            I was contemplating the nicknames that have passed through my life in one way or another. Do you have a nickname? Was it given lovingly or was it a joke that stuck?  Does it describe you or did it just roll of someone’s tongue?  Nicknames are not usually something we pick for ourselves but sometimes we end up cherishing the little tag that someone we were close too thought we deserved.  My Dad (Pop) handed out nicknames that made little sense, he called my older brother Eēb, and I was Rēēb...which sometimes morphed into Rēēbart. My older sisters were Putch and Eye-a, and to be honest I don’t know if I’m spelling any of them correctly. To anyone else they seem like gibberish but to the person who was labeled that nickname can bring back the fondest of memories (or maybe the worst).

            One of my favorites came from the mouth of my sweet little boy who was learning to speak. He loved his Auntie but he couldn’t pronounce her name, it came out Cha-Chi and from that time forward (18 years or so) the whole family continues to call her that. Cha-Chi once told me that his little voice calling her that melted her heart and she has loved it ever since. She just got her first grand-baby, I wonder if she will be Gramma Cha-Chi?

            Oh, believe me, not all nicknames are so delightful. Can you guess what several people have called me? I hesitate to tell you, but if you can rhyme I’m sure it won’t be hard to guess. I promise that it does NOT relate to my character in any way. Yep, you got it…Heidi-Ho. My brother-in-law who passed away many years ago thought it was fun to shorten it to Ho(e). Only He, could get away with that one!

            My bearded brute has a knack for nick-naming people things that are less than complimentary. If he shared them with the world I’d think he was a big meanie, but he usually only shares them with me so I think I’ll let this indiscretion of his pass. He is rather funny sometimes. We have a Delicious, a Puff-a-Lump, a Fuzzy Face and a Bobble-Head to list a few. He came up with one for me too but thankfully it was pretty random, rather than pointing out one of my flaws. However, I personally don’t want anyone else in the world to call me by that name, so I will leave that one for your continued curiosity.

Guess who is one the left? Guess who is on the right?*

Guess who is one the left? Guess who is on the right?*

            Nicknames have been on my mind just recently because out of nowhere I remembered a nickname I had for my bestie growing up. She was my very best friend, we grew up next door to each other and spent as many waking minutes together as possible for about 10 years. We were so close that we determined that “Best” was not adequate to describe our friendship. We, in fact, were “Best-est” friends. The sad thing is that we live on opposite ends of the country and I haven’t seen her in years. She has a place in my heart that will never belong to another, but some of our childhood antics are tucked away in a memory that escapes me now. One day as my daughter and I were walking through the Home Depot parking lot…BAM! A nickname popped into my head, a name for my bestie that I hadn’t thought of in decades! Chink*…yep, I called her Chink. I don’t know why. Nope, she wasn’t Chinese, she didn’t even look Chinese. It sometimes morphed into Chinese Woodpecker; Chinese Wopeck for short when I was addressing one of those puzzle-folded notes with the tail that said pull, with an arrow (You remember those, right?). It sure makes me reminisce about good ole Chink and what a great friend she was to put up with such nonsense. Maybe she will read this one day and comment on the equally weird name she came up with for me in retaliation. But to be honest she never used mine as much as I used hers, it just rolled off the tongue.



            Speaking of rolling off the tongue, most of the names my kids have received have been just that. Taylor’s middle name is Brooks and one year she was a Bee in a ballet (she stole the show!), after that she became Taylor Bee! And sometimes Brooksie, or Brooks-the-dooks depending on the caller. Gabe has become Gabe-the-Babe, Gabey-Baby, and after being dressed-up by his sister…Gabriella. Berg, can you guess some? Ice-Berg, Bergie-Butt, Ham-Bergaler, Berg-alicious, Bergeena (his girl name), and his football cheering section called him Beef-Cake Berg. I’ve saved Oakley Joseph for the end because he has received a new nickname just this week.  He has formerly been known as Oak, Oak-a-Lee Doke-a-Lee, Oak the doke, Oakley Joe, Oakie, Oaktree (of course), Oakley-Anna (his girl name; sorry people but when the sister is the oldest, she dressed the boys up and they needed a girl name!) and today he has been awarded with “Woodchip!”  This kid has cut and split more wood this week than a Norwegian Lumberjack!

            I know, I know, you’re sick of all my personal sentiments. These nicknames don’t mean much to anyone other than the one who is tagged or maybe the tagger. My point is….drum roll….You should take the time and reflect on the nicknames that have passed through your life. Whether they be your nickname or one of a loved one. They bring back some pretty fond memories and it sure can’t hurt to reminisce on the things that made your life unique and special. God has brought people into our lives so that we can love them and be loved by them. Take some time this week to think about those nicknames and the people associated with them!  Your assignment: Write them down, tuck them in your Bible and when you know you need to pray and don’t know where to start, take out that list and pray for your people. If you have a story worth sharing please do so in the comments. This blog doesn’t have to be all about me and Jesus, you’re worth mentioning too!

Joy to you,

Hopscotch Heidi

P.S. God had a bunch of (nick) names, do some research because it’s worth knowing.